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~ MOHAB (Blog layout versi 1 September 2014 - 17.07.2014 - 19 Ramadhan 1435)

Rabu, Jun 22, 2011

حذيفة بن اليمان‎ Huzaifah Al Yamani

Huzaifah Al-Yamani Arab: حذيفة بن اليمان‎ adalah salah seorang sahabat Rasulullah s.a.w.

Bapa Huzaifah, Al-Yaman adalah seorang penduduk Makkah dari suku Abs. Kemudian Al-Yaman berpindah ke Yathrib dan menjadi sekutu kepada suku kaum Bani Al-Ashal. Ibunya pula berasal dari suku kaum ini.

Zaman Nabi digelar sebagai "Penyimpan Rahsia Nabi". Ketika Perang Khandaq, Nabi S.A.W mengarahkan beliau menjadi perisik untuk mengetahui strategi musuh tentera Islam pada ketika itu iaitu kaum Quraisy. Namun, beliau mengambil tindakan nekad dengan menyamar sebagai salah seorang tentera musuh. Tindakan ini membantu tentera Islam setelah mendapat maklumat musuh daripada Huzaifah.

Zaman Umar Al-KhattabKetika zaman pemerintahan Umar Al-Khattab, beliau dilantik sebagai panglima perang untuk membantu Nu'man ibn Muqarrin dalam peperangan yang dikenali sebagai Perang Nihawand. Berikutan gugurnya Nu'man ibn Muqarrin di dalam peperangan dan dengan kemenangan tentera Islam di Nihawand, beliau dilantik menjadi gabenor Kufah dan Mada'in seterusnya menjadi wakil khalifah di tanah Parsi.

حذيفة بن اليمان‎ Huzaifah Al Yamani
Waahidun min ashabu nabi
Huzaifah Ibnu Yaman
Kaana ahlas sufi
Huzaifah Ibnu Yaman
Wakaana sodiqun nabi
Huzaifah Ibnu Yaman
Kaana ahlas sufi

The Hypocrites
Hudhayfah had three qualities which particularly impressed Muhammad; his unique intelligence, quick wittedness, and his ability to keep a secret even under persistent questioning. A notable policy of Muhammad was to utilize the special strengths of each companion, carefully choosing the right man for the right task. A primary problem the Muslims encountered were hypocrites who had superficially accepted Islam while simultaneously plotting against the Muslim community. Because of Hudhayfah's ability to keep a secret, Muhammad told him the names of the hypocrites, a trust not bestowed upon others. Hudhayfah was commissioned to watch their movements and follow their activities. The hypocrites, because their secrecy and intimate knowledge of the developments and plans of the Muslims, presented a greater threat to the community than external enemies. From this time onwards, Hudhayfah was called The Keeper of the Secret of the Messenger of Allah, remaining faithful to his pledge of secrecy.

After Muhammad's death, the Khalifah often sought his advice concerning their activities but he remained tight-lipped. Umar was only able to find out indirectly who the hypocrites were by monitoring Hudhayfah’s attendance at the funeral prayer following the death of a Muslim. If Hudhayfah did not attend Umar refrained from performing the funeral prayer for that person. Once Umar asked Hudhayfah if any of his governors was a munafiq. Hudhayfah told him that one was but declined to inform whom. Hudhayfah later said that shortly after their conversation Umar dismissed the person as if he had been guided to him.


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